Tory Lanez Supporters Petition Appeal for Megan Thee Stallion Verdict Demonizing Jury and Jay Z

Appeal Assaults Jury, Jay-Z, 'Counterfeit' Insurance Of People of color

Tory Lanez's loved ones are banding together to assist him with keeping away from jail time ... what's more, they're pursuing the jury, the music business, Jay-Z and in any event, proposing Conservative is a symbol of atonement to help out for African American ladies.

Not long after Lanez was indicted for shooting Megan Thee Stallion, a web-based request - - Appeal Tory Lanez Decision - - surfaced. Up until this point, 19k individuals have endorsed on, and it doesn't appear as though it's dialing back at any point in the near future.

Click Image to Read the Full Petition Document. Credit to TMZ

The request guarantees Conservative's preliminary was a "circus of speculation, insufficient evidence, inconsistencies, and drunken memories [that] left us without much moral certainty of any truth."

cap's more ... Conservative fans are going after the jury, calling them flighty, asserting they surged their choice and unfairly viewed Conservative to be blameworthy on every one of the 3 crime gun counts.

The request then lasers in on a few wild cases - - "This case is also about branding, marketing, label heads and a music industry that pushes narratives based on who they have personally invested millions into. Could Jay-Z or RocNation be involved??"

And afterward, it becomes racial ... "Was this case taken because of a political pressure to fake protect black women? African-Americans went along with hashtags that didn't protect anyone & instead caused division between black women and black men."

It will be a difficult move to win an appeal... requests courts by and large don't toss out blameworthy decisions since they might decipher the realities uniquely in contrast to the jury.

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